Why Gift Cards are the Best Gift Ever!

My Top 5 Reasons Gift Cards Make the Best Gifts

I love gift cards. They are my favorite gift, to give and to receive.

Gift cards make great presents for a number of reasons. If you still aren’t sure what to get for the special people in your life, gift cards make a good choice.

Here are five reasons gift cards are the perfect gifts:

1. You Can Easily Stay on Budget

When you provide gift cards, it’s easier to stay on budget. You don’t have to worry about spending just a little bit more for something you see that would be “perfect” but outside your limit. With gift cards, you just decide on an amount and that’s it. It’s easier to keep to your budget because it’s sort of like having cash in your hand for a specific store.

Consider Services, Not Just Retail Stores

You can also get gift cards and certificates for services like spa treatments, salons, massages, car detailing, and more. This might be a better option for the people on your list who don’t actually enjoy shopping with the extra benefit of supporting smaller businesses.

2. Save with Discounted Gift Cards and Deals

You can save money by giving discounted gift cards. I used to get gift cards at a $5 or $10 discount off their face value. This worked very well with restaurants. Many dining establishments know that someone coming in with a gift card is likely to spend more than what’s on there. The idea is to get them in the door. Look for discounted gift cards and deals from reputable sites.

3. Flexibility

Gift cards are flexible for the recipient, allowing him or her to choose what to buy. It takes away some of the anxiety associated with finding just the right gift. Who doesn’t like the freedom to get what they REALLY want? It’s a perfect way to provide a flexible gift that anyone can enjoy.

That flexibility also means that the recipient can choose an experience instead of a thing. That means a lot to someone who doesn’t want to buy things, and prefers experiences instead.

Cash is more flexible, of course, but it is sometimes considered a little crass. If you want to offer flexibility without giving actual cash, a gift card is a good choice.

4. An Element of Thoughtfulness

Of course, many people decry gift cards because they are so general. While getting a prepaid debit card or general gift card is very flexible, some people think they are impersonal.

A gift card doesn’t have to be impersonal, though. Get a gift card to a favorite store or restaurant to show that you’ve put some thought into it. Gift cards are perfect because they combine the flexibility of cash with the personalization that comes with a specific store. You can be thoughtful and offer a flexible gift at the same time.

5. Easy to Present Attractively

I love how easy it is to give a gift card. Wrapping presents can lead to messiness, as the presentation isn’t always great. Not so with a gift card. You can slip it into a beautiful holiday card and write a sincere note. There are attractive gift card holders you can buy for the right presentation too.

No one is ever disappointed to receive a gift card. Add a personal touch with a handwritten note and be choosy about where you get the gift card, and it will feel like a very personal gift, without all that comes with trying to find the right present.

Purchase Gift Cards with Rewards Credit Cards

Many rewards credit cards give you a certain percentage back on purchases made in supermarkets, so using them to purchase your gift cards while you grab your groceries will essentially save you that 3 to 6 percent.

Gift cards are the ‘in’ gift this season, but not everyone falls in that 69 or 53 percent. Use these tips to save time and money purchasing the right gift cards for those who prefer them and you’ll have more time (and money) to thoughtfully choose personalized gifts for the rest.

Why you should support local and small businesses…

They care about and are invested in the well-being of your community and its future. Local businesses are more accountable to their local communities and donate more money to non-profits. Supporting local businesses is good for the environment because they often have a smaller carbon footprint than larger companies.

It shows respect to the business owners

Local business owners don’t have the funds to go big or go home, so when you buy local you are going to be respecting that they are getting out there everyday and trying their best to make an honest living even against all of the competition out there. There is a lot to be said for that. Shopping with a local business — regular shopping, that is — shows them the respect that you have for them and their attempts at doing things the right way. You’re helping bring character to the commercial world.

The commercial world is full of companies that all offer basically identical options. It’s hard to find anything that is entirely unique anymore. When you drive across country, and all you see is the same scene… same brand, same big box stores, same products on the shelves. Very disappointing, isn’t it? 
However, when you are going off the beaten track and looking at local options, you’ll find that you will be able to get that character that you want and need for a gift or just something special for yourself and your home.

You’ll get unique products

Unlike big corporations, shopping local is going to offer you unique products that will be as incredible as you think they will. You’ll find unique twists on traditional possessions, or entirely unique ideas that create products that you never even knew you needed before you saw them in that shop. There are lots of local makers who bring their personal experiences, skills, and creativity to their products. Take the time to go to a local market event sometime and you’ll find out how these local people bring the soul to their products. And believe me, it might just make your day.


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