How to mainstain healthy hair for spring.

So many people ask how to maintain there hair during the winter, but what about the spring?

I have discovered some health tips to maintain your lovely locks in the spring.

Go get a healthy trim

Everything rejuvenates in the spring naturally. The weather is often a consideration for ideal healthy or unhealthy hair. The weather really dictates the condition of the hair itself. Mainly because you might not have the cold winds and the frizz. Or get all the frizz when you get out of a warm shower.

Hot showers, central heating, etc. are the primary reasons you have damaged hair, but you cannot survive winter without them. That is why beauty experts suggest making the most of spring season. You will not only get a chance to get frequent massages or to apply various hair masks, but you can also style your hair the way you want throughout the season.


When it comes to maintaining healthy hair, beauty gurus recommend regular hair trims. You don't need to go for a haircut, and only trimming your hair for few inches would work fine. It is a safe source to get rid of split ends. Your hair will look fresh and thick.

Or you shed a lot. These are also signs of bad hair routines. Such as, over styling or conventional products and dyes. Synthetic chemicals and or lack of moisture in our diet. This can also be caused my minerals in our water. As well as metals.

2. Apply Conditioner

You should never ignore the power of a conditioner. Almost every brand is now coming up with a pair of shampoo and conditioner. You can purchase one according to your hair type. Moreover, hair conditioning is necessary to prevent dry strands and to bring back lost moisture. Using it on a frequent basis will make your hair look healthy and shiny.

However, do not apply conditioner in large quantities; just use as needed - or by how thin or thick your hair is. Beauty experts suggest not shampooing your hair more than twice a week unless you have the greasy hair as your scalp needs to soak natural oil.

3. Avoid Heat

The tools you use to blow dry your hair or to style produce a lot of heat. The latter cannot cause intense damage if used sparingly. If you use hot tools regularly, it will damage your hair with or without a heat protector.

Therefore, avoid using these tools and opt for hairdos that don't require heat. You can think plenty of ideas on the internet to glam up your overall appearance.

3. Natural Highlights

Opting for a distinctive hair color sounds fun in the spring. You don’t need to go for the dramatic change, but a slight and random experiment with the shade of your hair can work for you. With the less color on your locks, they will appear sun-kissed in natural light.

4. Make sure to prepare for rain

It frequently rains in spring season - which is why you should prepare for it before leaving the house. You can prevent humidity frizz only by focusing on the hairstyle during rainy days. 

Just tie your hair in a ponytail, go for a braided look, or opt for a top bun, and your hair will not get damaged throughout the day. However, in case you end up getting your hair, you should detangle it via comb gently. It will help prevent breakage efficiently.

5.Get more growth

You may not believe it but exposing your hair to sunlight is safe. Various beauty gurus recommend stepping out into the daylight and letting it touch your hair as it can stimulate hair growth.

However, you should avoid over-doing it and always wear hats before heading to the beach. It will not only add style to your outfits but protect your hair as well.

6. Air Dry

You can dry your hair quickly with a hairdryer. However, this spring, try drying your locks naturally. Beauty experts suggest dabbing your hair lightly with the towel and let the air dry your hair.

The technique will prevent hair damage and breakage that commonly occurs when you try to comb your wet hair. Moreover, you can also tie your hair in a bun until it dries out completely. You can also achieve curls or waves this way without using any hair tool.

6.Hair Masks

It is a time of the year where you can try numerous things including hair masks. Hair masks are necessary to restore dry and damaged hair follicles. They can bring back the shine to your hair as well. Hair masks function to treat scalp problems such as itchiness and dryness alike. You can find various masks made with natural ingredients on the market depending on your hair type.

7. Be frizz free

Increased humidity after cold weather contributes to frizzy hair that looks utterly unattractive. You may have encountered flyaways on a sunny day as well. You can overcome this irritating condition by using an anti-frizz serum. Apply it to damp hair, and it will seal the moisture and smoothen the cuticle focusing on the mid to tip of your hair strands. 

Heres the real guys. Your hair can dictate your personality. Let the inner you shine, by maintain your lovely locks!

If this hits home or gives you some ideas, let us know!

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