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Is it necessary for me to use oil in my hair?

“Similar to skin, we need oil to have healthy, strong hair,” Merinsky said. “Oil lubricates the outer cuticle and strengthens the inner core by providing moisture to help keep the bonds strong.” Everyone's scalp and hair are different and some people are just oilier than others.

Benefits of oiling hair

The first benefit is that natural hair oil, meaning the least processed, comes packed with several of the vitamins and micro-nutrients that are found in food. So hair oil is basically hair food.

The second benefit of a hair oil massage is the way it penetrates the skin. A shampoo-conditioner, no matter how good its components, can't match the way hair oil goes deep into the skin and does its job revitalising the skin tissue.

The third benefit of a thorough hair oil massage is that it boosts blood circulation in the scalp. The oil is spread evenly around the scalp, sending nutrients directly to all the hair roots.

Hair oil does the job of fighting hair fall and of aiding hair regrowth. Therefore, whether you've got a hair loss problem or not, you can use a hair thickening oil, and the results can only be good.

Using hair oil is a great way to control frizzy hair. On days when your hair seems all out of control and frizzy, rub some hair oil on your palms and run through the hair lightly. This will cause the frizz to settle immediately and also provide nourishment to the hair.

Do not oil the scalp.

The reality is that oiling the scalp does not promote hair growth but could actually stunt hair growth. Some people have an oily scalp that doesn't need additional oil. The fact is also that your hair is what requires moisture, not necessarily your scalp.

How Often should I be putting oil in my hair?

Scalp release natural oils from hair follicles. These natural oils are greatest conditioners for our hair. Although these oils does not reach to the tips, it happens to dry out your hair strands. Often times the type of your skin also influence the nourishment of scalp. Dry scalp may give you flakiness, cause split ends. To get rid of hair problems it is necessary to oil your hair.

If your hair is neither dry nor oily, then a  oil treatment is beneficial but not essential. It's recommended that you apply hot oil at least once a month to keep your hair healthy and hydrated.

Hair grow when they are given enough nourishment to sustain. Although, hair is just a protein strand, it also require regular feed of vitamins and other essentials. Massaging twice a week will regain whatever hair loses in the process of curling, ironing and chemical treatments. Oil acts as a replenishing agent. Massaging helps in opening of pores and better absorption of oil. It also facilitates blood circulation and thus soothes and relaxes you. Oiling strengthens roots and leading to healthy hair growth.

If you already have problems with dandruff you may just try using the oil in dry hair to sooth the ends.

How long should I leave it in my hair?

I place amethyst oil in my hair every time I shower and everytime I am going to be re styling with heat. The importance of oil with heat protection is absolutely the most necessary thing. However there are many things you want to avoid.

Oiling hair at night and leaving overnight and washing the next day is the best therapy for hair smoothing effect, it will not only strengthen roots but also helps in curing hair loss. You can oil your hair every 3rd day after wash. Using oil itself gives conditioning effect. There are a few things that I would avoid.

Do not heat up your oil. ( I let mine naturally oxidize to thickin it up so as not to use too much.)

Do not massage to hard into the scalp. This will cause irritation and disruption of cuticle.

Do not try to massage out tangles. Even tho you have placed oil in the hair do not “rub” the knots out.

Finally do not tie the hair up to tight after oiling.This will further weaken the roots of your hair and cause a significant amount of breakage and damage.

Questions or ideas on how to use amethyst oil. To view our latest YouTube video about CityGRL Amethyst Oil Click the link below.





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