Would you like to learn to braid?

Learn how to braid…

Braiding hair is a great way to keep your hair out of the way. It can also look very fashionable and chic.

Step 1.

Detangle hair with a wet brush or wide-toothed comb. Braiding goes a lot faster when your hair is knot-free. The comb should be able to pull easily through the length of the hair.
If you're working with thick or layered hair, use a bit of water or leave-in conditioner to dampen the hair first. This will make it easier to handle.

  1. Tradiationally I braid the hair damp. If your hair is damp, it will have a very smooth, tight appearance while dry hair will give a messier look.

  2. If braiding your hair dry, it is best to do place a styling aid or cream. Such as CityGRL Versatile Cream Slightly oily hair will hold a braid better than clean hair, and you'll have fewer flyaways.

Step 2.

Divide the hair into three even sections. These will be the three strands of your braid, so try to make them as even as possible.

  • Grab the right section with your right hand and the left section with your left hand, letting the middle section hang free (for now).

  • In your right and left hands, hold the strands so that you're grasping them against your palm with your middle, ring and little fingers, keeping your index fingers and thumbs free.

Step 3.

Cross the left section over the middle section. If your strands started out as A B C, they should now be ordered as B A C.

h the index finger and thumb of your left hand, grab the middle section of hair.

  • Using the index finger and thumb of your right hand, grab the left section of hair that's grasped against your left palm.

  • The original left-hand section is now the middle section.

Step 4.

Cross the right section over the middle section. Your strands that are now ordered B A C will become B C A.

  • In your left hand, shift the strand that's between your index finger and thumb so that your other fingers are holding it secure against your palm.

  • Use your left index finger and thumb to grab the section of hair that's being held against your right palm (but not the one being held by the thumb and index finger).

  • The original right-hand section is now the middle section.

  • Typically, step 4 and step 5 in this braiding technique are called a "sequence" or "stitch."

Step 5

Continue braiding in this manner. Keep using the "free" index finger and thumb of one hand to grab the "back" section of hair (held by the other three fingers against the palm) from the other hand.

  • Tighten the braid as you go, and keep the tension even for all 3 sections. It's best to gently pull down on the braid as you weave. Any time a strand changes hands, tug gently on the hair so that the plait moves upward, tightening it.

  • Repeat until you run out of space to braid, leaving about 1–3 inches (2.5–7.6 cm) of unbraided hair at the end.

Secure the braid with an elastic band. You may add embelishments as well to create a unique look.




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