Why You Should Do A Hair Subscription

Have you ever thought about doing a monthly hair subscription?

I have often contimplated doing a hair box subscription. I wanted to do some research on why this is or is not a great idea.

My thoughts…

Pros of a monthly subscription box.

These days you can you can get virtually anything as quickly as you want whenever you want. These products will come quickly and super fresh. Mostly I wanted to create a box for the thrill of getting a surprise in your box every month,Usually these boxes are inexpensive, however, you get many items you may or may not use. I figured why not focus on what my clients use the most. I want to create a box that is on a cycle of how often you really run out. Not to focus on the ubundance of stuff collecting in your counter space.

A monthly subscription box is a curated collection of deluxe samples and full-sized products. Subscribers to these services are charged on a monthly or annual basis to receive a curated package in the mail each month. If you have ever considered it maybe we should take these steps.

Step 1.

Lets focus on the problem. (What is it you really need? What is your struggle with your hair styling? Or maintenance?) I want to make a comprehensive list of what your needs and wants are. Once we can address this we can order your first bundle.

Step 2.

Decide how often you would need a product and if that is the correct healing collection for you. Most often it is on quarterly basis. * Items can be changed for change in season or preference.

Step 3.

Get set up on a quarterly basis with CityGRL subscription box.

Be happy with healthy hair and “love yourself from the outside in.” -Jenn





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